Contact us
I am a potter and I want to collaborate
If you are studying and want to work with us, write to:
please mention what are you studying, the name of your school or university, as well as dates and times you are available. Be sure to include a letter of intent in which you tell us a little about yourself, why you want to work at Innovando la Tradición, how you believe you can contribute, the skills you want to develop with us or anything else you think we should know.
Based on this, we can set up a call or a meeting in order to discuss the matter further.
Do you love our project and want to volunteer to work with clay and potters? Help is always welcome!
Volunteers at Innovando la Tradición engage in a variety of activities, depending on the projects we are working on and the volunteers’ skill sets and interests.
Write us to:
a brief letter of intent that includes your field of expertise, why you want to work at Innovando la Tradición, and the dates and times you are available for volunteer work.
From this we can schedule a call or appointment to discuss the options and possibilities in more detail.
press kit
fresh out of the oven
Throughout the year, Innovando la Tradición and Cooperativa 1050º send out newsletters with the latest news in the world of clay: sales, events, workshops, conferences, etc. Subscribe now!